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All Blog Posts Tagged social-justice
September 16th, 2012 by Howard Ditkoff
Thanks to a Freedomain Radio forum thread, I was made aware of , and just watched, the debate (embedded below) between Adam Kokesh of Adam vs. The Man and the outspoken and entertaining Youtuber known as The Amazing Atheist (aka TJ). In the debate, moderated by Professor Hip Hughes for POLIPOP, and featuring some moderate […]
Posted in Activism, Ethics, Politics, Ponerology, Positive Change, Psychology, Social Change, Social Justice | 3 Comments »
March 15th, 2012 by Howard Ditkoff
Background information on a group of pages that deeply explore evil, its possibly malicious origins emerging from biologically-based empathy and conscience-reducing psychopathology and its role in the evolution and complications of tragic, seemingly intractable problems and suffering at all levels of our world’s systems. These pages, integrating a range of source material, consider and attract attention to evil’s cyclic, manipulative and deceptive dynamics and its contribution to and exploitation of modern civilization, its structures and technologies, and, in turn, much of its dysfunction, abuse, trauma, corruption, absurdity and injustice. They also discuss our best understanding of the variation in people’s responses to these phenomena and their implications for nearly every area.
Furthermore, the pages advocate for an objective, scientific and medical approach to studying harm, highly valuing critical thinking and investigation, technical insight, psychological knowledge, precise and widespread dialogue and modern wisdom. They urge us to enhance reform efforts by better identifying leverage points and cooperatively developing optimal strategies for transcending challenges and resistance and preventing, assessing, reducing and healing from vicious cycles. And they point the way toward the establishment of new healthy, sustainable forms of human systems, more conscious of and immune to pathological influences and capable of flourishing with creativity.
This work is the culmination of a lifelong progressive quest – fueled by an uneasy sense about our world and concentrated through the discovery of what may be the most important book you’ll ever read – to understand issues of ethics and power. Learn about the very personal stories that coalesced in its development.
Posted in Activism, Announcements, Culture, Ethics, Parenting, Personal Development, Personality Type, Politics, Ponerology, Positive Change, Psychology, Relationships, Science, Social Change, Social Justice, Systems Thinking | 41 Comments »
December 24th, 2007 by Howard Ditkoff
An Unreasonable Man is a great movie about Ralph Nader. But I was deeply disappointed by the fact that it focused deeply on how Ralph’s “spoiler” role in the 2000 election tarnished his legacy, while failing to mention the flaws in our election system that unnecessarily allow for “spoilers” to exist. Instant Runoff Voting, which I helped pass in Ferndale, Michigan in 2004, is a pivotal measure that can open up a fair playing field to more voices in our political system by eliminating the “spoiler” problem.
In this post, I call on Ralph Nader, the filmmakers of An Unreasonable Man, Nader’s supporters and detractors, and everyone interviewed in the film, to join together to promote such election reform and groups like Fairvote that advocate for them. By refocusing our discussion and energy away from the flaws of Ralph Nader or the Democratic Party and onto these reforms, we can still turn the shameful aftermath of the 2000 election into a success that brings constructive change and lasting justice to our election system.
Posted in Films, Politics, Social Change, Social Justice | 24 Comments »
September 20th, 2007 by Howard Ditkoff
In just the latest demonstration of how widespread video and web 2.0 technology is democratizing our media and revealing previously underexposed sides of our culture, much of the country has already seen footage of student Andrew Meyer being held down and tasered by police after rather angrily confronting Senator John Kerry with some controversial questions at a forum and resisting arrest. But more fascinating to me than the event itself have been the strongly emotional responses, both by those defending Meyer and those defending the police, which indicate the extent to which the incident evokes, for many of us, past experiences, defense mechanisms and projections revolving around issues of power, anger and authority. In this post, I discuss my view of this controversial story in the context of our current social state and the possible psychological and developmental roots of the actions of Andrew Meyer and the police, as well as people’s various responses.
Posted in Culture, Personal Development, Politics, Psychology, Social Justice, The Media, Web 2.0 | 15 Comments »
August 27th, 2007 by Howard Ditkoff
Reading Ishmael by Daniel Quinn in 1997 first exposed me to the idea that civilization is an inherently unsustainable and unhealthy social structure. But it took further reading of works by Quinn and Derrick Jensen, along with greater experience, to help me increasingly incorporate this understanding into my life. Most recently, Jensen’s work Endgame impacted me with a particularly convincing presentation of civilization’s shortcomings from the concrete and powerful perspective of physical resource dynamics.
In this post, I examine the paramount importance of internalizing the implications of our social structure’s fundamental flaws, the experience of facing the impact of this understanding, why it is to difficult to fully internalize, the variety of ways that people respond to the issue, and how my growing acceptance of it has influenced my life journey. I then discuss the process of finding our optimal roles in the re-emergence of health and sustainability and the invaluable role of community and support as we do so.
Posted in Culture, Personal Development, Psychology, Social Change, Social Justice | 25 Comments »
August 2nd, 2007 by Howard Ditkoff
Conclusion (Part 8 of 8) Note: This is Part 8 of an eight-part series. You may want to start at Part 1 of the series, Summary and Table of Contents. There are tremendous challenges in our world today. Michael Moore’s films have been some of the most powerful channels through which many of us have […]
Posted in Films, Politics, Positive Change, Social Change, Social Justice, Systems Thinking | No Comments »
August 2nd, 2007 by Howard Ditkoff
Campaign, Election and Media Reform: Levers and Leverage Points for Improving Our Society (Part 5 of 8) Note: This is Part 5 of an eight-part series. You may want to start at Part 1 of the series, Summary and Table of Contents. Moral Courage Alone Isn’t Enough Clearly, moral courage, as discussed in Part […]
Posted in Politics, Positive Change, Social Change, Social Justice, Systems Thinking | 2 Comments »
August 2nd, 2007 by Howard Ditkoff
Moral Courage as a Central Theme in Michael Moore’s Work and Life (Part 4 of 8) Note: This is Part 4 of an eight-part series. You may want to start at Part 1 of the series, Summary and Table of Contents. I believe, and seeing Sicko again reinforced, that Michael Moore is one of our […]
Posted in Culture, Films, Personal Development, Politics, Psychology, Social Change, Social Justice, Television | No Comments »
August 2nd, 2007 by Howard Ditkoff
Moral Courage: A Required Virtue for Improving Our Society (Part 3 of 8) Note: This is Part 3 of an eight-part series. You may want to start at Part 1 of the series, Summary and Table of Contents. Psychological Dissonance: The Cost of Keeping Quiet In our society, we have a great number of […]
Posted in Education, Parenting, Personal Development, Politics, Positive Change, Psychology, Social Change, Social Justice | No Comments »
August 2nd, 2007 by Howard Ditkoff
Introduction (Part 2 of 8) Note: This is Part 2 of an eight-part series. You may want to start at Part 1 of the series, Summary and Table of Contents. Sicko and Beyond: New Inspiration from Michael Moore Two weeks ago, I finally saw Michael Moore’s new movie about the health care industry, Sicko. […]
Posted in Films, Personal Development, Politics, Positive Change, Social Change, Social Justice | No Comments »