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If you want to delve into greater depths, read my more complete bio page which will tell you more than anyone should ever want to know about me including my views of the concept of the self, more details on who I am and what I do, and a deeper look at my thoughts on politics, religion and philosophy!
- Name: Howard
- Current Location: Oak Park, MI (just north of Detroit)
- Born in: Carlsbad, CA
- Education: B.A. in Psychology from University of Michigan & M.D. from Wayne State University
- Career: Personal (Life) Coach, Group/Organizational/Business Consultant and Trainer through my company, Emergent Associates, LLC. I left medicine in 2001, foregoing a residency in psychiatry, to become Vice-President of a software company. After some time focused on consulting to a non-profit, a partner and I founded Emergent Associates.
- Other Activities: See my interests and projects
- Religious Persuasion: Agnostic. I get along great with other agnostics, atheists, those of Eastern religious views (Buddhism, Tao, etc.), and often those with more nature-based religious views.
- Political Persuasion: I am an Independent. For many years I leaned very strongly toward the platform of the Green Party and its ten key values. I have also been an activist for election reform and other key political issues. My two biggest political concerns for a long time were Instant Runoff Voting and Campaign Finance Reform because these two reforms are necessary to make many other necessary reforms possible and, without them, these other reforms will remain out of reach.
However, learning about ponerology transformed my view of politics. I now believe that there are deeper and more serious ethical issues, likely based in biology and psychology, which transcend politics and must be dealt with in order to develop healthy, sustainable systems.
- Terms Describing Me: Intellectual, freethinker, humanist, Green, philosopher, Bright, progressive, secular humanist, skeptic, pragmatic idealist, long-term pragmatist, catalyst, INTJ [My personality type on the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)], 5w4 [My personality type in the Enneagram], existentialist, serious, goofy, sarcastic, cynical, idealistic, compassionate, schemer, Systems Thinker
- Favorite Books: Ishmael and other books by Daniel Quinn. (See all my favorites in my Favorite Books section.
- Favorite TV Show: Seinfeld
- Favorite Band: Counting Crows - (also see, one of the best fan sites ever made.)
- Favorite Album: August and Everything After by Counting Crows
- My Blog: Systems Thinker's Blog
- Contact Me: Get in touch with me
- My Free Newsletter: The Newsletter
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