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- This was an online exchange between my friend (A) and her friend (B) in April, 2004 while discussing their taxes.
B: Have you done your taxes yet?
A: yeah, I actually had to pay
B: Damn......did you remember to put extra postage on it??
A: extra?
B: has to go all the way to Iraq this year
A: hahaha
B: I was all "WTF" when my check came in a Halliburton envelope
A: lmao
- Remembering Reagan Cartoon
- Meetings Cartoon - Ever notice how meetings are used at some workplaces not to plan action, but to postpone and avoid it? This cartoon sums up that idea.
- New Map of America - A significant segment of America now thinks the Bible is the Constitution. Many of us suspected it but the 2004 presidential election finally made it official. As such, the map of North America has been updated to reflect the red state theocracy's secession.
- Duty Calls - Hilariously and simply captures the way the online world seems to bring out and amplify our need to prove ourselves.
- Deathbed Regrets - Don't let yourself wind up with this regret at the end of your life!
- Google Ad Undermines My Message - Check out the contradictory Google ad that popped up on the page where I warn of the dangers of Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
- The Mathematics of Co-Dependency
- Thanks Obay! - In 2008, mock ads like this one, satiring parents who push their dreams onto their children, began mysteriously popping up around Ontario, Canada and elsewhere. People were unsure who put them up until finally the "perpetrators" revealed themselves and put out another ad openly promoting their cause. Several other ads existed in the series, such as this one. See even more at Google's image search page for Obay ads.
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