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- Dennis Kucinich Troy Community Center Speech Pictures - Picture of me with Dennis Kucinich and one of him and his wife talking to the press. From his speech, during his 2008 presidential campaign, at the Troy Community Center on January 10, 2008.
- Pictures from Claim Democracy Conference and U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C. - Pics of my November 21-24, 2003 trip to this incredible conference focused on reforming democracy and enhancing the electoral system, as well as my trip to the U.S. Capitol, where I spent a day in the Senate Gallery. Includes pictures of me with Ralph Nader, Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr. and others.
- Pictures of Trip to Seattle, WA and San Francisco and Sonoma Coast, CA - Pics and synopsis of my October 21-October 29, 2003 trip out west to visit my aunt and my friend.
- Pictures of Me at Work in August, 2003 - These are some pictures taken by one of my co-workers having some fun with the digital camera.
- Other Pictures of Me - Here's a few more of me.
- Ralph Nader Bowling Green Speech Pictures - Picture of me with Ralph Nader, along with a couple others, from his speech at Bowling Green State University on September 10, 2003.
- Apollo Alliance Rally Pictures - Pictures of me with Jim Hightower, Joseph Wilson (ex-ambassador to Iraq), and John Passacantando (Exec. Director of Greenpeace), along with others, from rally at Power Center in Ann Arbor, MI on Sept. 25, 2003.
- Pictures With Others I Have Admired - Pictures of me with other people I have admired at various points over the years, including filmmaker Michael Moore, author Derrick Jensen, Congressman John Conyers, Jr., Senator John McCain, Senator Debbie Stabenow, Green Party candidate for Governor of California, Peter Miguel Camejo, and Democratic presidential candidate Congressman Dennis Kucinich.
- Y2K Pictures - These pictures were taken back in 2000 at various times.