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My career path from medicine to the founding of my company Emergent Associates was a tortuous one. When I was in medicine, one of the things I disliked most was the lack of time and energy available to partake in so many interests that I had outside of medicine. So when I finally got out of that field, I was eager to get involved in a number of other projects - maybe even too many.
These projects have served as an outlet for my creativity, a chance to become more active socially, and have all been instrumental in leading me into the proper circles where I finally found a career in keeping with my passions. Below are most of the projects that I've been involved in in recent years, which are at various stages of completion.
Like falling rain that simply evaporates away, creative energy that is not captured cannot accumulate into lasting constructive manifestations. These projects are the buckets into which I channel the falling rain of my creative energy.
Here you can read about my current projects and activities, as well as learn about my past projects and activities.
Current Projects and Activities
- Emergent Associates, LLC - My personal (life) coaching, group/organizational/business consulting and training company. We use a unique internally-developed philosophy and set of tools to help people discover and develop their deepest talents and potentials, bringing greater satisfaction to all areas of their lives, ranging from health to career to relationships, while helping groups, organizations and businesses of all kinds achieve greater success. We also train others in our techniques so that they can more effectively do the same.
- Ishmael-Related Projects - Projects related to the work of Daniel Quinn, author of Ishmael, The Story of B, My Ishmael, and Beyond Civilization, among other works.
- Detroit Ishmael Group - A group I co-founded for those in the Detroit area who are interested in and inspired by Daniel Quinn's work.
- The Friends of Ishmael Society - Non-profit organization I created to publicize and promote Daniel Quinn's work and to coordinate, inform, and grow the community of his readers. We aim to raise awareness of Systems Thinking and issues of sustainability and diversity.
- - A website that I helped create to introduce Daniel Quinn's work to newcomers unfamiliar with it.
- Michigan Focus on Reforming Elections (M-FORE) and Ferndale for Instant Runoff Voting (F-IRV) - A group formed to promote and publicize the need for more fair, effective elections in Michigan, and the ballot question committee that represents its first offshoot.
- Under the Hill Southeast Michigan Mensa Group - A group for members of Southeast Michigan Mensa in their 20's and 30's.
Past Projects and Activities
- Linx Institute - An alternative educational program that I helped design for children that desire more freedom to explore their own interests and to involve the community in their education.
- Mosaic Magazine - An online magazine, developed along with other Daniel Quinn readers from around the world, which views the world through the lens of Systems Thinking.
- Phosl Web Consulting - A friend's web programming company in which I have become intermittently involved.
- Toastmasters - An international group dedicated to improving public speaking skills. I started attending in December, 2003 and became a member in January, 2004.
- Secret Project - Shhh ;)
- World Prosperity - An organization which focuses on the root solutions to many social problems, including educational reform and health care reform.