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I have done a lot of writing in my life. From my highly-prized book award in elementary school to my college papers to songs, poems, and essays, I have really enjoyed getting my thoughts crystallized on a page. Moreover, fragmented among hundreds of emails and other correspondences, I have probably written the equivalent of several volumes on various topics in recent years. Finally, a few of my future projects will no doubt entail more formal works of writing in years to come. This section will archive some of those writings so that they don't just go to waste, withering away in my old sent email folder or lingering on an old floppy disk stored away in a drawer.
- Articles - "Working to Make Election Reform a Priority and a Reality", "Make The Choice for More Choices: Vote Yes on Proposal B, Instant Runoff Voting in Ferndale on November 2"
- Essays - How American Idol Changed My Life, My Vision of Connection, The "Good" Doctor, Hypnosis Past, Present, and Future: Its Medical and Psychiatric Applications, and Essays on Borderline Personality Disorder.
- Interviews - Systems Thinking Panel Discussion on Today with Beverley Manley
- Reviews & Recommendations - Book Reviews, Movie Reviews, Music Reviews & Recommendations, Product/Service Reviews, Website Reviews
- Commentaries - Some of my shorter writings, including:
- Speeches - "The Four Major Steps of Website Creation: Don't Hesitate, Create Today", Third Parties: Bringing Color and Flavor to American Politics.
- Blog - My weblog where I write about many topics ranging from social justice to politics to psychology to positive change.
- Newsletter - I save some of my best writing on a wide range of topics to share only with those that subscribe to my newsletter. Click the link to learn more about it and sign up to receive this bonus content.
- Songs - Songs
- Poetry - Poetry
- Travelogues - Learn about my trip to the Claim Democracy Conference and U.S. Senate in Washington, D.C. and my recent Trip to Seattle, San Francisco, and Sonoma Coast, California.
- Howardisms - In keeping with the ancient Chinese proverb that "The first step to wisdom is calling things by their right names", Howardisms are little phrases that I've made up to refer to certain hitherto unnamed common phenomena which I have experienced.
- Systems Thinker's Livejournal Blog - My old Live Journal where tossed up a few miscellaneous thoughts, funny things I'd seen, and anything else I was too lazy to categorize elsewhere.